ABOVE: Ricky Martin is engaged to this. BELOW: Jonathan Knight is engaged to this. I'm single!
In happier news: NKOTB’s Jonathan Knight and Longtime Boyfriend Get Engaged https://t.co/3iW6ReVQrJ pic.twitter.com/ITRje4ETCe
— Kenneth M. Walsh (@kenneth212) November 16, 2016
Mark-Paul Gosselaar goes full-on bear.
One Trump SCOTUS possible believes gay people should be imprisoned for having sex. Period.
The women who have accused Trump of sexual impropriety speak out: “We as a country did not listen.”
Trump wants political arm outside White House — sounds like he's making good on this.
Jessica Simpson's manager/photographer dad Joe, rumored to be gay, reportedly has stage 4 cancer.
I worked with Joe in my teen-pop days. Always a lovely man. (Image via Matthew Rettenmund)