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Dec 13 2016
6-PACK — Trump's Business > America + Putin Pal Chosen As Sec Of State + Always Be PrEP-ared + Ain't He The Pits? + Kylie's Gay Christmas! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.51.39 AM(Screengrab via; words by Kurt Eichenwald)

WIDGETABOVE: How Trump's outrageous business conflicts of interest are already endangering America.

WIDGETSecretary of State-to-be Rex Tillerson is so tight with Putin, Russia's already praised Trump's pick.

WIDGETTillerson's so lousy with Russia, his pick such a huge F.U., that even the Republican Senate might not fall in line.

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.54.13 AM(Video still via The Advocate)

WIDGETWatch these guys (ABOVE) hook up, face a problem and then — find out your PrEP IQ.

WIDGETHe seems nice: 



A photo posted by @topverbaldaddy on

WIDGETKylie Minogue gives her most out-there, gayest Xmas show — by far! 
