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Jan 06 2017
Did George Michael Have Another FAITH On The Way? Comments (0)

1cover_georgemichael_FinalHIRES(Image via Billboard)

George Michael's passing was somewhat stepped on by Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds in the same way people didn't really absorb the loss of Farrah Fawcett while focusing on the out-of-nowhere loss of Michael Jackson. With Carrie and Debbie being buried as we speak, Billboard shifts to George, giving him his final cover.

In the story, George's former manager Rob Kahane speaks out about George's music and how he perceived himself, saying George had just finished an 18-month rehab in Switzerland.

According to Kahane, George thought he'd come through it well and played him some new songs that he describes as:

...totally pop, like something that would’ve been on Faith. The songs weren’t depressing. That’s why I thought everything was okay with him.

Kahane also said George never shook a poor image he had of himself:

He never thought he was good-looking. When he looked in the mirror, he’d still see a pudgy, homely kid.

Read the rest here.

