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Jan 29 2017
Trump's Lackeys Take Over National Security Council, Ivanka's So Purdy + Kushner's Grandma On Rejecting Refugees Comments (0)

Not-My-President Trump has dropped the Joint Chiefs from our National Security Council, replacing them with his malevolent yes-men Steve Bannon — the white nationalist who was making millions off of fake news before it was chic — and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Even right-wing tool John McCain recognizes that this is a radical departure.

This is not scare-mongering. This is terrifying. These people are utterly unprepared to lead and are ideologues, and they are filled with hubris if they think they know better than security and military experts.

They're hijacking our system, and are now talking about asking foreign travelers to supply personal info about their social media accounts and their cell numbers. They presided over the Muslim ban, which led to green card holders being illegally detained — and which spurred some agents to openly defy court orders that found parts of Trump's order to be potentially illegal.

And at the height of this tumult, Ivanka Trump — who I am calling Marie Antoi-NYET — takes time out to pose for a me-so-pretty selfie with hubby Kushner, a Jew who seems intent on helping to nudge the U.S. into its own version of, perversely, Nazism.

Screen Shot 2017-01-29 at 2.14.47 PM(Image via Twitter)

Want to gag on irony? Watch Kushner's own grandma talk about the dangers of ignoring the plight of (Jewish) refugees. Bet she never could have guessed her own grandson would be spearheading the same damn thing:
