Kellyanne Conway, Not-My-President Trump's Baghdad Bob, has lied through her teeth, demonstrably, on numerous occasions.
Now, we have a clear case of Conway flagrantly breaking the law.
Think Progress notes that Conway cheerfully violating a federal ethics law barring the endorsement of any product by a government official; this includes non-elected officials.
In addressing the flap between Trump and Nordstrom — which dropped his daughter's brand because it was not selling — Conway said the following on Fox & Friends:
“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” is what I would tell you. I hate shopping, but I am going to go get some myself today. This is just — it’s a wonderful line, I own some of it, I’m just gonna give a free commercial here, go buy it today, you can buy it online.
I think the best response to this would have to be: “Lock her up!”