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Feb 20 2017
Hard Choices: The Long & Short Of Male Performance Supplement Red Fortera Comments (0)

Not a paid endorsement — I received only 1 free pill, and am under no obligation to cover the product.

This may be TMI time, but as a man who has been an adult longer than some Productshotof my sex partners have been alive, I am not unfamiliar with various performance-enhancing tricks and medications.

Hey, why live life with one ball tied behind your back?

I recently received a free sample of something called Red Fortera, which calls itself:

... an all-natural, male performance supplement that helps provide superior virility on-demand.

That's a big promise.

I can't believe I swallowed something I received in the mail, but noting that it contains things like niacin, ginseng, cinnamon bark, tribulus and ginko biloba, is said to do things like make your junk bigger and harder, has been shown to last up to 72 hours (only when you're directly stimulated) and works even if you're drinking, I decided to take the plunge.

Plus, it's over-the-counter.

Anyway, I popped one before a date, and all I can say is:


Red Fortera is $15 per capsule, $39.99 for 3 or $89.99 for 6 pills. I can't tell you how it will affect you, but I will say I wasn't stuffy and headachey afterward.

Check it out here.
