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Feb 02 2017
6-PACK — MOONLIGHT Man + The Late, Great David Oliver + Anti-LGBTQ Exec Order Coming? + Hot Guys + Fashionably Mature + Keke, Tamron, Lena! Comments (0)

Moonlight-trevanteoutmag(Image by Blair Getz Mezibov for Out)

WIDGETTrevante Rhodes of Moonlight covers Out. He felt the pressure of being in a rare movie about “the coming-of-age of a young gay black man.”

Davidoliver(Video still viia ABC)

WIDGETKenneth remembers David Oliver, cut down in his prime by AIDS.

WIDGETHate pastor sees anti-LGBTQ discrimination as half-full.

Topman-SS17-Lookbook_fy13This is what Topman is hawking for spring. I just aged 10 years. (Image via Topman)

WIDGETGUY GAWK: The (hot) face of my (hot) singlet model. All American horse trainer. Topman twinks.

Allamericanguys-dave0Hi, Dave. (Image via All American Guys)

WIDGETBill Nye & Buzz Aldrin walk the runway at Men's Fashion Week!

WIDGETENTERTAINING TIPS: Keke Palmer drops into a squat for pap love. Tamron Hall leaves NBC. It's Girls: The Movie!
