SFGMC: Kathy Griffin will be honored at Crescendo, the annual San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus charity event. Also at the gala: Jinkx Monsoon, Chely Wright.
Alternet: WaPo broke Sessions story, framed it to minimize political fall-out.
Update from HuffPost: Sessions recused.
WaPo: Six times Jeff Sessions has spoken out about perjury and special prosecutors.
The Wrap: The Oscars' veteran stage manager juicily describes incompetence of the PwC accountants!
Kenneth in the (212): Lena Dunham is matching donations to an LGBTQ center in Detroit. You go, Girls.
Gay Times: BBC forced to explain why it de-gayed a cover of Lady Gaga's “Born This Way” on the TV show Let It Shine.
After the jump, watch the bowdlerized “BTW” ...