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Mar 01 2017
6-PACK — Hirst Time Ever + Good DNA + TS Madison Rants Again + The Emperor's Speech + Cops Attack Octogenarian + Flashback Interview With Natalie Schafer! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 11.59.04 PMKeegan Hirst is openly gay. I'd like to see him open those legs. (Image via Instagram)

WIDGETTowleroad: Keegan Hirst could be about to make rugby history. Oh, and he's gay.

March1Frank3(Image by Rick Stockwell)

WIDGETDNA: Bonus shots of the above previous DNA cover stud Frank Carter.

WIDGETOMG Blog: TS Madison is not having criticism of her Caitlyn Jenner diatribe.

WIDGETMSNBC: Trump spoke. Buncha hollow promises. I felt like they did:

WIDGETTucson News Now: Cops push an 86-year-old woman to the ground at immigration protest, pepper spray senior citizens trying to help her:

WIDGETFLASHBACK: Faboosh 1989 interview with Natalie Schafer: “Nothing's as good as being crazy”:
