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Apr 11 2017
6-PACK — Abs Man + Political Neophyte + Queen-ing Out + I AM MICHAEL ... But Is He? + Entertaining Mr. Baguth + Oh, Deer! Comments (0)

Ryan-Matthews-by-Joseph-Sinclair_fy2(Joseph Sinclair for F*cking Young!)

WIDGETF*cking Young!: Ryan Matthews by Joseph Sinclar — you know you like that.

Andrew-niquette-headshot-650-650x445Andrew Niquette (Image via handout)

WIDGETtheOUTfront: Meet Andrew Niquette, the 19-year-old gay Dem running for the Georgia State Assembly.

WIDGETYouTube @ José Rivera Jr.: Above, check out Queen's “Somebody to Love” as a queer anthem for the resistance.

Iammichael-1James Franco & Zachary Quinto in I Am Michael (Image via Brainstorm Media)

WIDGETSkipping to the Piccolo: The former Michael Glatze, an ex-gay evangelical whose story is told in I Am Michael, is neither ex-gay nor an evangelical anymore.

WIDGETKenneth in the (212): Hot Matt Baguth is in a new revival of Joe Orton's Entertaining Mr. Sloane.

Matt-Baguth(Video still via YouTube @christina Prince)

WIDGETHuff Post: Rapper gets jumped by a deer. It was the humane thing to do to help control the population of rappers.
