Tyson showed less at Chippendale's! (Image via Instagram @tysoncbeckford)
Attitude: Tyson Beckford stripped nude twice recently, including a butt shot in the desert that looks like dessert. (Work Unfriendly)
Towleroad: “Gay people need to die!” South Beach man claims anti-gay attack. Sounds really weird.
Shareblue: Watch Rob Blum (R-Iowa) melt down — in front of bewildered kids — at the very beginning of an interview on the topic of Trumpcare.
(Image via Phoenix Theatre Ensemble)
Kenneth in the (212): Kenneth is offering you something “blissfully perverse.”
Joe.My.God.: Surprise! Comey probably perjured himself in his Senate testimony when he claimed Huma Abedin forwarded Hillary's emails to her husband.
NPR: An org in Russia is working hard to help spirit gay men out of Chechnya: