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May 11 2017
6-PACK — THE NEW YORKER Drags Sessions + Comey, Translated + AMERICAN GODS Or AMERICAN PIE?! + Randy Rainbow Brightens Up Towleroad + Anti-Gay In The USA + Water Sports! Comments (0)

New-Yorker(Image by Barry Blitt for The New Yorker)

WIDGETThe New Yorker: Not only is The New Yorker's new cover, by Barry Blitt, awesome, I also learned that James Comey is 6'8"!

WIDGETThe Mary Sue: Yeah, here is what Comey's letter was really saying.

WIDGETAdvocate: The creatives behind American Gods — which shows a gay-sex scene between Middle Eastern men Sunday — made fools of themselves talking about it.

Randy-RainbowRandy loved working with Captain Cho! (Video still via Orbitz)

WIDGETTowleroad: The pot of gold at the end of Randy Rainbow — his Orbitz experience, his right-wing fanboys and fangirls & more!

WIDGETJoe.My.God.: Chicken-shit agriculture secretary is A-okay with USDA-inspected plants displaying anti-LGBTQ materials for all workers to see.

WIDGETtheOUTfront: Don't miss this LGBT water polo team's cute-hot new video!

18251791_322210511532557_3972443998286512128_n-549x445(Video still via Triggerfish)
