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May 15 2017
6-PACK — Katy Perry Bears WITNESS + America Warming Up To Already-Legal Gay Stuff + Bharara Begs For Special Prosecutor + Trump's Fake-News Addiction + Kellyanne To Preach Hate + RIP Powers Boothe Comments (0)

Unnamed(Image via Katy Perry announces Witness album and tour using totally awesome '80s imagery.

WIDGETGallup: 64% of Americans now back gay marriage, 72% are okay with gay sex, both all-time polling highs. (F*ck you — both legal anyway, guys.)

WIDGETHuff Post: Fired attorney Preet Bharara pleads with Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein to assign a special prosecutor for the Trump-Russia investigation.

Facebook_meme_Global_Cooling_11The cover on the left IS FAKE. (Images via Time)

WIDGETPolitico: This is how Trump, a deranged and feeble-minded madman, comes to believe the fake news he then pushes. UNBELIEVABLE.

Source(GIF via MSNBC)

WIDGETtheOUTfront: Kellyanne Conway, anti-gay Benham Bros. will headline a massive hate conference in Iowa. Tell me again Hillary would've been same/same.

WIDGETTHR: Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1980) & Sin City (2005) actor Powers Boothe dies in his sleep @ 68.

Powers-boothe-sin-cityPowers Boothe: June 1, 1948—May 14, 2017 (Image via Miramax)
