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Jun 14 2017
6-PACK — Firsthand Accounts Of Gay Torture In Chechnya + London Inferno + Dems Suing Trump Out Of Office? + Kamala Harris Called HYSTERICAL + Trump Blocks Vets + Scalise's Gun Lust Comments (0)

CHECHNYA FLAGThis isn't how the vile republic of Chechnya wants its flag represented, but ... oh, well.

WIDGETReuters: New, firsthand accounts from gay men who describe electroshock and other torture at the hand of Chechen officials.

WIDGETHuff Post: At least six die in horrendous blaze at London highrise, baby tossed from 10th floor is caught, survives.

WIDGETPolitico: Dems suing Trump over business ties, citing emoluments clause of U.S. Constitution.

WIDGETMedia Matters: Trump's surrogate Jason Miller calls Sen. Kamala Harris (D-California) “hysterical,” gets shut down:

WIDGETQueerty: Trump blocks VoteVets, pro-LGBTQ, progressive veterans' group, on Twitter.

WIDGETTwitter @SteveScalise: Unfortunate tweet from 2015 reveals Scalise's joy at making it easier for people to buy guns.
