Three days ago, Billboard published a piece arguing, with eight sensible points to support the claim, that Ariana Grande is the gay icon of her generation.
Casting aside arguments about what constitutes her generation (like, is Lady Gaga really of a previous generation?), and whether there is only one per generation, do you think this is accurate?
I have nothing bad to say about her, and she is definitely pro-gay, but I don't think of Ariana specifically in these terms. I'm not sure if there IS a gay icon anymore, so much as there are icons who gays love (of which Ariana is surely one).
Like, Judy, Donna, Madonna, these are people who were and are adored by (many, not all) gay people for their talents but also for their specifically gay appeal. I'm not sure many if any new stars these days have that — maybe the latest I can think of would be Gaga, who has spoken directly and specifically to and about gay people.
Am I wrong?