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Jul 03 2017
6-PACK — Trump's CNN Fake-Down + Beached Christies + L.A. Marches Against Trump + How Germany Embraced Gay Marriage + DOING TIME ON MAPLE DRIVE Revisited + Julian Edelman Brings Up The Rear! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 11.50.46 PMTrump is officially the lowest POS to ever be POTUS. (Video still via meme)

WIDGETOMG Blog: Trump tweeted a fan-made video showing him violently attacking CNN as if it were a person. Human fatcat political cartoon Chris Christie closed a NJ beach to the public as part of his right-wing government shut-down ... then took his family there!

WIDGETHuff Post: 1,000s marched in L.A in support of impeaching Trump.

WIDGETNew York Times: Germany's path to marriage equality.

WIDGETKenneth in the (212): The cast of Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992) reunited to discuss the groundbreaking gay TV movie.

WIDGETESPN: Julian Edelman bares his big buns for ESPN Magazine.

Tumblr_osdoz23fK21uy0noao1_540(Image via ESPN Magazine)
