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Aug 06 2017
Aaron Carter Comes Out As Bi Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-08-06 at 10.29.22 AM“To start off, I would like to say that I love each and EVERY ONE of my fans.There's something I'd like to say that i feel is important for myself and my identity that has been weighing on my chest for nearly half my life.”

With those words, former teen heartthrob Aaron Carter, 29,  began an emotional letter to his fans in which he came out as bisexual. Keep reading for the full missive ...

Aaron also wrote of having an experience at 17 with “a male that I had an attraction to who I also worked with and grew up with,” which will surely have fans wracking their brains to remember Trans Con figures from that period.

Screen Shot 2017-08-06 at 10.27.34 AMCarter in 2002 (Image by Keith Munyan)

Aaron's full post:
