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Aug 15 2017
6-PACK — Escola Scores + Trump Retweets Alt-Right Leader + Seth Meyers Trashes Trump + Taylor Swift Wins + Sec. Of Defense On Trans Ban + '90s Pop Star Showers For The Cameras! Comments (0)

HqdefaultOne of my favorite sentences I've ever read in a mainstream newspaper: “'All I do is watch Turner Classic Movies and crochet,' says Escola, who is working on a blanket he says he'll finish in December.”

Escola is a familiar, mirth-filled yet deadpan face in Web series, and his uncanny ability to play women — it ain't drag — is his ticket to the top. Keep reading for his story, and more of the day's hottest links ...

Cole EscolaHow can you be so Cole? (Image via Hulu)

WIDGETNYDN: Gay comedy rising star Cole Escola falls asleep to a Joan Crawford audiobook, plays Vanessa Williams's ex on Difficult People, sells out in NYC.

WIDGETKenneth in the (212): Trump, facing widespread scorn for his wink-wink reaction to white supremacist violence, promptly retweets an alt-right leader on Charlottesville.

WIDGETYouTube @ Late Night with Seth Meyers: Meyers scorches Trump, brands him “not a president”:

WIDGETDListed: Taylor Swift won her countersuit against the DJ who groped her, wins $1 plus victory for victims of sexual assault. Could she share a stage with Katy Perry?

WIDGETTowleroad: Secretary of Defense Jed Mattis addressed the trans controversy, says the issue is still being studied, has not yet received Trump's guidance.

WIDGETOMG Blog: '90s pop hottie Eloy de Jong allows himself to be filmed nude taking a shower. Better late than never!

MaxresdefaultEloy de Jong, 20 years before he stripped for the cameras (Image via pinup)
