“I am 36 years old. I have never known a country where men and women could be bought and sold, where newspapers run ads that say NO IRISH NEED APPLY or water fountains are labeled colored,” Rep. Joe Kennedy said in a moving speech addressing Trump's woefully inadequate, harmful response to Charlottesville.
You know exactly where he's going with it — and you don't mind.
Keep reading for his wise words about not repeating history ...
Red alert ! (Video still via Twitter @nowthisnews)
Kenneth in the (212): Kenneth likes the cut of Joe Kennedy's jib — future prez? Repeating the history of “President Kennedy” wouldn't be so bad.
Rep. Joe Kennedy reminds us that we need to remember history, not repeat it pic.twitter.com/wVt6x5H4IL
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 18, 2017
Huff Post: Romney, once a Trump job-seeker, urges Trump to apologize for botched Charlottesville remarks.
Politico: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi backs the idea of formally censuring Trump over his Charlottesville words.
Rick's Real/Reel Life: The blog goes hard after Barbra Streisand's version of A Star Is Born (1976) ahead of Lady Gaga's.
Someone in the '70s thought calling her backup singers the Oreos was cute. (Image via Warner Bros.)
Chico's Angels 4: Chicas Are 4Ever debuts August 24 in Silverlake, California ... and intros hottie Travis Quentin.
Travis Quentin sure beats Bosley! (Image via ChicosAngels.com)
Fleshbot Gay (Work Unfriendly): The site is very, er, excited to see Boy Culture: The Series. Their colorful direction for what they wanna see the actors do is duly noted!