Trump's decision to unilaterally ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military was not carefuly considered, nor was its announcement professionally or sensitively made.
However, it is now becoming an official policy, in spite of outrage from many quarters. Keep reading to find out how this monstrous cretin is handing his religious-right base a win and dehumanizing 15,000 trans patriots ...
Follow trans soldier Shane Ortega on Twitter — he's got a few words for Trump. (Image via Twitter @OnlyShaneOrtega)
Los Angeles Blade: Trump is making good on his outta-nowhere, self-decided ban on trans people in the U.S. military. It's policy now.
WaPo: Trump selling real estate to his sons called possible “criminal tax fraud.”
World of Wonder: Wow. Lionel Richie is a shallow asshole. Certainly, his Kennedy Center Honors response is, “Outrageous!” Norman Lear, on the other hand, rocks.
ExtraTV: Sam Smith has lost over 50 lbs. — not an ounce of fat on him.
Kenneth in the (212): Possibly thousands of pics of hot dudes, many with beards, all just plain sexy by any definition.
Comedy Central: Mario Cantone turns in another (his final?) performance as Anthony Scaramucci, and there's a gay kiss: