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Sep 12 2017
James Woods Compares CALL ME BY YOUR NAME To NAMBLA, Armie Hammer Slays Him, Amber Tamblyn Says He Tried To Pick Her Up At 16 Comments (0)

839f1126b9a64e3c59fabde52b81c2b1--i-don-t-know-don-tsJames Woods, apparently freaked out that Call Me by Your Name involves a relationship between a 24-year-old (Armie Hammer) and a 17-year-old (Timothée Chalamet), tweeted, “As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA” — like anyone knows what NAMBLA was anymore.

Hammer replied, “Didn't you date a 19 year old when you were 60.......?”

Keep reading for Amber Tamblyn's even-better response ...

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01b8d29a2d62970c-800wi(Images via Sony)

So basically, James Woods, you are the living embodiment of he who doth protest too much (just like all homophobes), because you like young people your damn self:

And Billy Baldwin chimed in pretty tartly, too:

P.S. Both 16 and 17 are more common ages of consent in U.S. states than 18 is, James.

Check out Call Me by Your Name stills here.
