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Sep 01 2017
Anti-Nashville Statement + K-Pop's First Out Gay Artist + Tomi Lahren Admits Fox News Is Propaganda + U.S. Open Booty Call + L'Oreal Loves White People + Are We Already In A Police State? — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

Nashville StatementEarlier this week, Evangelicals released the Nashville Statement, a hateful attack on LGBTQ people that was rightfully denounced by fair-minded people — and even by the city of Mayor of Nashville, who resented the unasked-for notoriety.

Keep reading for the progressive response to this dangerous document, as well as the other hottest links of the day ...

Towleroad: Click to read the progressive statement meant as a response to the abhorrent Nashville Statement.

Forbes: Meet K-Pop's first out gay artist, MRSHLL.

C07351d5-63ff-4a42-9aea-6e2788045973Marshall Bang aka MRSHLL in a PR photo (Image via head shot)

Salon: Tomi Lahren puts it into words exactly what a fake, right-wing spin machine Fox News really is.

Ryan1Love (Image via KIT212)

Kenneth in the (212): An ass-centric roundup of U.S. Open guys.

Gal-Dem: L'Oreal has canned its first and only trans ambassador, Munroe Bergdorf, over her provocative comments on racism and white aggression. I'm man enough to admit we're historically assholes.

18814397_1403531209734052_5825419323297386483_n(Image via Munroe Bergdorf)

Crime Watch Daily: Utah nurse brutally arrested by Salt Lake City police illegally trying to draw blood from an unconscious patient. Police-state stuff.
