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Sep 14 2017
Tom Cruise Outed As Straight + BILLBOARD Glory + Right-Wing Gays + Ted Cruz On Sex Toys + Hula Hoop Hottie + Candice Bergen Recalls Teen Date With Trump — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

Colorofmoney3A dead mobster gur wanted the world to know that Tom Cruise is not gay.

In a new biography of Johnny Fratto, the frequent Howard Stern Show caller is quoted as saying Tom Cruise cozied up to some party girls in front of him, so can't be gay.

Keep reading for that and the day's hottest links, including gays attracted to the far right, Ted Cruz squirming on sex toys, a hung hula-hooper and more ...

The_Color_of_Money_32771_MediumAs if on cue ... (Image via Touchstone)

Telegraph: “'What's going on, ladies?' he asked with that mischievous superstar smile that made that f - - --- millions of dollars. I had never seen women actually swoon in real life ... these b​itches swooned. If there was anything gay about Tom Cruise, I sure as fuck didn't see it, and neither did the girls from Des Moines.”

Billboard: Please check out my first-ever story for Billboard!

CNN: CNN reports on the rise in gay support for German far right. Reminds me of an imbecilic stalker I have who's been warned by the FBI but doesn't seem to care they're building a case against him — they're gay, but prioritize their fear of Islam (all Muslims = terrorists, etc.) to the extent that they don't realize the right wing hates them almost as much and would exterminate them given a chance.

DListed: Ted Cruz squirms while being quizzed about his Twitter account's “like” for a hardcore porn scene. He refuses to out the guy who liked the porn, then goes off on his history of being against the sale of sex toys.

Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 12.10.43 PMYou spin me round ... (Image via Instagram @dearabra)

OMG Blog: Endowed young man, flimsy shorts, hula hoop, slow-mo. Get it.

Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen: Candice Bergen plays “Candidly Candice” with Reese Witherspoon, and winds up discussing her burgundy date with “good-looking douche” Donald Trump:
