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Oct 09 2017
Hot Boys In Love: Historical Gay Kiss For VICTORIA Comments (0)

RLP_CHP_081017VICTORIA_5856JPGVictoria's secret (Image via ITV)

Victoria, a historical drama on the life of Queen Victoria that's in its second season on ITV in the U.K., thrilled viewers with a dead-romantic kiss between real-life historical figures Lord Alfred Paget and Edward Drummond Sunday evening.

Keep reading to watch the fireworks ...

According to The Mirror:

The second season of the ITV period drama, which focuses on the life of Queen Victoria, has been slowly building up to the moment between the two real-life historical figures Lord Alfred Paget (Jordan Waller) and Edward Drummond (Leo Suter). 

Lord Paget was an attendant who assisted the Queen, while Drummond was Prime Minister Robert Peel’s private secretary.

And they kissed as the royal court traveled to Scotland.

Pink News theorized a backlash would ensue — but not so far.

Here's a better look at the kiss, and at the boys:

CNQ15qHVAAAYGNeLeo Suter (Via Apex Entertainment)

Victoria_LordAlfredJordan Waller (Image via ITV)
