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Dec 14 2017
Racist Republican Rep. Dan Johnson Commits Suicide Following Reports Of Sexual Assault Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-12-14 at 8.37.56 AM(Image via video still)

Kentucky Rep. Dan Johnson, who stood accused of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old female friend of his daughter, has committed suicide ...

Screen Shot 2017-12-14 at 8.44.47 AMImagery posted on Facebook by Johnson, who called it “entertaining” (Images via Facebook)

Just three days after a five-year-old accusation of sexual impropriety surfaced, Johnson apparently shot himself to death near a bridge in Mount Washington, Kentucky.

Johnson, who was also accused of arson and of lying about his achievements, said of the allegations:

This allegation concerning this lady, this young girl, absolutely has no merit. These are unfounded accusations, totally.

Johnson, who called himself the pope of his Heart of Fire Church had in 2016 posted racist imagery to insult the Obamas and refused to apologize for it.
