Katie Way is the neophyte journalist who broke the Aziz Ansari story, a story which some have suggested made #MeToo jump the shark. (The shark gave really, really obvious non-verbal cues, but was still jumped.)
Now, she's showing why brand-new feminists are sometimes way bigger assholes than the allegedly horrible men they try to discredit ...
Ashleigh Banfield offered a stinging critique of Way's article, and of the content of its anonymous source's story about a very bad, no good date with Aziz Ansari, on which he was described as having been too pushy with her for sex. (Even though it was clearly a hook-up date, so it's not like he had no reason to believe he was in the process of getting lucky.)
Clearly, by now, Ansari — who briefly performed oral sex on his accuser — realizes he bit off more than he could chew.
But so has Way.
When asked to appear on HLN, the same network that employs respected veteran journalist Banfield, Way wrote a jaw-droppingly juvenile, hissy-fit-for-a-tween response that makes clear her utter lack of professionalism, as well as her distressingly overuse of the concepts of ever and never.
In her nasty email (a NO would have sufficed, as is the case with Ansari's accuser), she tells off the producer who invited her onto the network while trashing Banfield's looks and age — oops, feminists have said we're not allowed to shame people over those things. Unless you're 22 and happy your latest article has made a serious dent in a star's reputation, a big step up from her previous articles:
She also once wrote a piece trashing Radiohead for going after Lana Del Rey for copyright infringement, snarking that it was over the band's only relevant song.
The song is relevant to you, too, Katie Way — “Creep.” That's what you are when you glibly publish nonsensical stories in hopes of riding the legit #MeToo wave to clicks and notoriety, and when you consistently, as you have, degrade people older than you — with more experience — as being irrelevant.
I wish — and it'll never happen — Aziz Ansari would sue to fuck out of this tempermental defective.