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Jan 27 2018
Gus Kenworthy Not Down With Pence + Trump Ordered Witnesses Smeared? + Reba As Colonel Sanders + Hillary, ACTIVIST BITCH + Wynn Loses + Matt Wilson's Bum + More! — 12-PACK! Comments (0)

Above: He's Calum Gahan, and that is how he looks when caught unawares.

Below: Keep reading for Gus Kenworthy reading Mike Pence, Trump's obstruction express, Colonel McEntire, Hillary calls herself an activist bitch, Eminem favorably compares a turd to Trump, hairy hotness, gorgeous George and more ...

Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 6.00.27 PM(Image via Instagram @guskenworthy)

USA TODAY: Gus Kenworthy sides with Adam Rippon, dumps on the idea of VP Mike Pence, a homophobe, leading the U.S. Olympic delegation: 

I actually found out about it from Adam Rippon’s quote about it. I feel the same way as him. I think it’s not the person I would have expected, and I think it sends mixed messages because this is the first time we’re seeing out U.S. Olympic athletes competing in the Winter Olympics, and then we have someone leading the delegation that doesn’t support that, and doesn’t support the LGBT community, and has spoken against it. I think it doesn’t send the right message. It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is.

Pence is also not exactly a great messenger for diversity. Um, yeah:

AOL: Trump reportedly ordered aides to smear three potential FBI witness. Obstruction of justice is going to be a slam-dunk when Mueller is ready.

OMG BLOG: Is Reba McEntire as Colonel Sanders supposed to represent progress? Or just be funny? I don't think it works on any level. It's like a nonthreatening, extra-crispy remake of Eurythmics' “Who's That Girl” music video.

TWITTER: Hillary is one of the activist bitches supporting bitches:

Also, Hillary responded to the report that she personally shielded a man accused of harassing a woman on her campaign. Imagine Trump responding in any way even approaching this.

HUFF POST: Eminem says, “A fucking turd would have been a better president than Trump.” But Susan Sarandon has already decided turds are demonstrably too neoliberal.

GOB07-768x969George O'Brien, 1920s hottie (Image via Fox Film Corp.)

GR8ERDAYS: Lotsa nostalgia-related links, including gorgeous George O'Brien, Murphy Brown's comeback, RIP Olivia Cole, a tribute to a Meryl Streep classic and the best class photo of boy whores you're likely to encounter.

JOE.MY.GOD.: Casino billionaire Steve Wynn is resigning as RNC finance chair, one day after a WSJ report that dozens of women have come forward to allege a long pattern of sexual abuse and pay-offs. His stocks slumped, costing him 10% of his fortune overnight. Must be tough. Meanwhile, Wynn's close pal Trump — who's only liked 25 tweets ever — liked the one that announced Wynn's woes. Once it was noticed, he unliked it.

Screen-Shot-2017-12-24-at-13.39.35-780x487Kiss his ass! (Image via selfie)

OMG BLOG: Aussie actor Matt Wilson's bare ass.

BOSGUY: A hairy hello to him!

KENNETH IN THE (212): Extremely furry dude in nothing but underwear — and no smile.

DLISTED: Dane Cook,  45, is dating a 19-year-old singer, and people can not handle it. Bizarre to me that people are so grossed out (or pretend to be) that an adult man would be attracted to a beautiful 19-year-old. Who do they think stars in porn?! Then there are the people who mock them because he's obviously only in it for sex. (1) Maybe not, and (2) So what if he is? They're adults. The age of consent in California is 18. Get over it, puritans.

HIGHLINE: Fascinating piece on Young Pioneer Tours (YPT), the oufit that put Otto Warmbier in North Korea, where a juvenile act of theft (he allegedly stole a propaganda poster) led to him being at the core of an international incident — which in turn led to a prison term that resulted in his death. YPT markets itself to young men who want to travel to places they really shouldn't, dangerous places, places that are geopolitical disaster areas... and they made good money doing it.

Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 5.13.55 PMWarmbier (L) and friends — he would be gravely ill within 18 months. (Image via Facebook)
