THE INTERVIEW: @GStephanopoulos: “Is Donald Trump unfit to be president?” @Comey: “Yes, but not in the way I often hear people talk about it...I don't think he's medically unfit to be president. I think he's morally unfit to be president.” #Comey
— World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) April 16, 2018
Fired FBI Director James Comey told ABC tonight that he thinks Trump is of above-average intelligence and mentally competent to be POTUS — but is suseceptible to blackmail by Russia and is “morally unfit to be president.”
He also says there is “some evidence of obstruction of justice.”
Trump, of course, went Twitter-mad over this.
Comey, however, is not a fan of impeachment — because he thinks we shouldn't get off that easy! Um, dude, no: