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Jun 22 2018
Antoni's ATTITUDE + Barbra's Mem'Ries + Ghanian Gay Man's ICE Plight + I Really Do Care, Don't U? + Does Groff Have The Right Stuff? + RuPaul's New Book + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

Above: Pride, a deeper love!

Below: Antoni for Attitude; Barbra's misty, water-colored mem'ries; a gay African man's hunger strike over ICE, and more ...

Antoni Porowski(Image via Attitude)

ATTITUDE: Attitude has unleashed five separate covers starring the Queer Eye guys.

GOLD DERBY: Barbra Streisand talks about her favorite topic — and ours — herself! Great piece! Sample, on self-doubt:

I usually underestimate everything I do. Not knowing “Evergreen” would one day become a #1 hit, I decided to cut out a scene from A Star Is Born in 1976 — even though I wrote the melody to the song and learned to play guitar specifically for that scene. There was something so innocent about hearing the character play the melody hesitantly on the guitar before it had a lyric. At the time, I was looking at the film as a whole and to speed up the pace, I decided to cut the scene. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to put it back in the new Netflix version of the film. KyxXVXwjatkDmCw-800x450-noPad

HISTORY: The incredibly disturbing 19th-century roots of gay conversion therapy.

CHANGE.ORG: Sadat Ibrahim is a young, gay, black man from Ghana who has been detained by ICE for over 700 days, causing him to go on a hunger strike. Please sign the petition to demand his release.

RANDY REPORT: Adam Rippon is going nude for ESPN Magazine — sneaky peeky:

PAGE SIX: Madonna's tough, no doubt, but please — don't act like commercializing her private voicemail is a minor offense. That said, Junior Vasquez is a great talent and it'd be great to see them reunited.

DAILY KOS: I've always thought of Zara as a respectable brand, and I don't blame it for Melania Trump's I DON'T REALLY CARE. DO U? kerfuffle because out of context, the coat is cute and irreverent. But Jesus, who knew Zara did concentration camp-chic clothing in the past, and had a white T-shirt that read WHITE IS THE NEW BLACK???

GroffGroff and on (Image via FX)

AWARDS DAILY: Why on earth isn't out actor Jonathan Groff a shoo-in for an Emmy?!

EXTRATV: Jackson family patriarch/arch-villain Joe Jackson, 89, is reportedly in the final stages of cancer.

ImageIt seems like reading it could be a very RuWarding experience. (Image via HarperCollins)

PEOPLE: GuRu by RuPaul is almost here, and the book is being pitched as a talisman by which to live, hunties.

BFA_24498_2961479Phillip Picardi, Peppermint & Darien Sutton (Images by Matteo Prandoni/

THEM: them's Queeroes project is out, and it was celebrated at a party hosted by Phillip Picardi two nights ago at the New York Public Library. Also:

The full list of Queeroes honorees, with profiles on each, is available at Honorees include Lena Waithe, Janet Mock, Ali Stroker, Hayley Kiyoko, Kimberly Drew, Jordan Roth, Raquel Willis, Silas Howard, Wade Davis, Riese Bernard, Jenna Wortham, Lindz Amer, Peppermint, Adam Eli, Chani Nicholas, and Bubble T.  A Queeroes poster is available here.   

Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 12.27.58 PMAquaria with Picardi & Janet Mock (Image by Matteo Prandoni/

YOUTUBE: History star Jack Tracy can, in fact, get some “Satisfaction”:
