(Images via Vogue Italia & Star)
Star Magazine tried to guess what Madonna might look like at 60 in a Grant Wood-inspired illustration 30 years ago — and they were pretty far off. Hell, they even missed the mark on Sean Penn, who they envisioned as a bit of a James Cromwell type.
Madonna looks lovely and is still working and still shaking things up. Her last album, Rebel Heart, had many beautiful, melodic, occasionally humorous and quintessentially Madonna tracks; she will tour again; she is attached to direct two films; she has an ever-expanding family; and she is challenging her comfort with a move to Lisbon.
In short, Madonna is more Madonna than ever.
The top female star of the '80s (and, by many measures, of all time) also happens to be the only one left from the indisputable '80s Top 3: (in no order) Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Prince. Even Whitney Houston and George Michael are already gone.
I continue to adore and embrace and appreciate Madonna. She is an inspiration who doesn't get bogged down by other people's expectations, something I love even when she does something I don't love.
Happy birthday to the biggest icon alive.
Anthony Coombs and I just missed having MLVC60 — our book of iconic Madonna magazine covers — ready for sale by today. Please stay tuned for news later this month regarding how to order yours!