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Sep 28 2018
Flake Flakes, Is Confronted By Sexual Assault Survivor Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at 9.55.23 AM(Image via CNN)

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) has ann0unced he will support Brett Kavanaugh, following a whole lot of phony hemming and hawing that amounted to a hill of beans.

He was also confronted in an elevator by a sexual assault survivor who told him in no uncertain terms what his cave-in means to her and to countless others. Gripping stuff ...

Meanwhile the ABA — which had endorsed Kavanaugh before — is calling for an FBI investigation before he's confirmed, which won't happen. The SCOTUS is likely lost, but the midterms and 2020 and, yes, Mueller are still available to right the country.
