ABOVE: Tom's in the homo stretch.
BELOW: Keep reading for hot models, a naked Big Brother, some gay She-Ra and more ...
And Adam created God (Image by Adam Wenham)
FASHIONABLY MALE: Adam Wenham shoots Jamie Carter.
YAHOO: Manchin constituent feels “raped all over again” after crying on his shoulder in his office while relating her story of sexual assault failed to keep him from voting YES to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS.
TPM: Mitch McConnell denied Merrick Garland a vote for a year, but he would happily allow another SCOTUS nominee to be considered in 2020. (I think we have at least one more Trump nominee to, um, look forward to in 2019 or 2020.)
The couple is said to be “integral.” (Image via Netflix)
GAY TIMES: Netflix's upcoming She-Ra reboot features a same-sex couple.
DLISTED: Because what we really need is Brett Kavanaugh's opinion on whether Olivia de Havilland should have been consulted before being depicted in Feud.
POLITICO: Did Trump's first cousin provide financial docs that led to that NYT exposé?
HUFF POST: Brazil is edging closer to embracing a far-right authoritarian in Jair Bolsonaro. He's in the runoff for the presidency after praising the country's longtime (1964-1985) military dictatorship, and taking violent stances toward LGBTQ people, blacks, indigenous people and women. As with Trump, at least some of his targets are voting for this guy.
TOWLEROAD: CNN's Kaitlan Collins is apologizing for anti-gay tweets made in 2011, when she was in college. In other news, people who were in college in 2011 are now national news figures sparring with Donald Trump.
JOE.MY.GOD.: Romanian voters failed to make gay marriage permanently illegal.
What a question! (Image via video still)
OMG BLOG (WORK UNFRIENDLY): A U.K. Big Brother contestant in the raw.
NEWNOWNEXT: Watch Harvey Fierstein & Co. recreate the 1983 TV spot for Torch Song Trilogy, this time to plug the new production, Torch Song:
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