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Nov 30 2018
On To Gr8er Pastures Comments (0)

S-l1600I Dewey! (Image via movie still)

When actor Dewey Martin — a longtime favorite of mine for admittedly shallow reasons — died, nobody wrote obituaries, not the Hollywood Reporter, Variety, the New York or L.A. Times. Instead, SAG listed him as having died among a slew of other members. That was that.

My Dewey Martin Obit

My fascination with getting older and death (especially among the famous) has been with me since I was a kid, when I collected obits, and hasn't mellowed with age. Part of it is the observation that people can live rather celebrated lives but are remembered for whatever outsiders remember about them — if they remember them for anything at all.

Stars We've Lost in 2018 ... So Far (Massive List)

I like remembering, so my massive post on stars we've lost in 2018 is up at Gr8erDays — check that out.

S-l1600-1Complete with measurements (Image via Movie Pin-Ups Magazine)

You can also follow me on Instagram if you're among the BC readers who like my nostalgia-themed posts. For example, today's Mantique is the late, great Rex Reason:

One more Dewey snap to come ...

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Dewey Martin (1923-2018) — his death earlier this year went largely unreported. #deweymartin #muscles #shirtlessguys #shirtless #boxing #movies #gr8erdays #mantiques

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