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Nov 12 2018
Father/Son Bodybuilders + Milan Christopher On Gay Breakdown + Gus Kenworthy's Seat Flips + Sinema Wins In Arizona! + Trump Effs P.R. + Trumpy Bear Is Real + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Father and son!

BELOW: Keep reading for Milan Christopher's come to gay Jesus moment, Gus Kenworthy's thirsty social media come-ons, a Dem wins Jeff Flake's Arizona Senate seat, Trump wants to fuck Puerto Rico (more, and again), high school Nazis and more ...

303_Social_WaterMark_Milan_Christopher_LVSyFskQuest for acceptance (Image via Attitude)

ATTITUDE: Black, gay rapper Milan Christopher, 34, says he is proud of who he is after a worrying tweet a couple of months ago, in which he expressed frustration with being gay in a homophobic world:

... In that moment when I sent that tweet saying: “I wish I was straight,” it was because I know I am talented, and I know I wouldn’t have to go through this pushback if I was straight. A lot of these places are run by people who are extremely homophobic.

He sounds like he's come to grips with that struggle now — let's hope! There's no time to wish we aren't who we are, only time to force others to stop caring so much.

TWITTER: So, like, Gus Kenworthy and Matt Wilkas are open:

POLITICS USA: Kyrsten Sinema, a Democratic bisexual atheist, is now the projected winner of the U.S. Senate seat in Arizona, taking over for departing mealy-mouth Jeff Flake.

HAARETZ: The midterms were, in fact, a blue wave. Deal with it.

HUFF POST: Unsurprisingly, Trump wants to cut off all help to Puerto Rico, claiming government mismanagement. What kind of a fucking idiot would a Puerto Rican living in Florida have to be to have voted for this chump?

TWITTER: Above: Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Trumpy Bear is real. I consider this an I Really Don't Care Bear, Do U?

NEWSWEEK: Mueller is sitting on a bundle of indictments. 

GR8ERDAYS: In honor of Veterans Day (Sunday, November 11; observed today, Monday, November 12), check out a teaser from They Shall Not Grow Old, a WWI doc by Peter Jackson in which his team has painstakingly restored footage from the era, getting rid of jerkiness and deterioration and adding color. The results are surprisingly moving.

Giphy 8.26.33 PMDouglas Rain, the voice of HAL, was a serious stage actor — remembered for 9 hours of voice-over work. (GIF via GIPHY)

GR8ERDAYS: The voice of HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey has died.

KENNETH IN THE (212): Free mustache rides!

Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at 10.01.11 AMAwkward juxtaposition of headers (Image via screen grab)

BARABOOK NEWS REPUBLIC: Over 40 students (including one who is called black by  the person who posted the image) threw Nazi salutes (one did the white-power okay sign) in a junior high prom group shot at Baraboo High School in Wisconsin. Nothing has been done about it so far, other than the principal tweeting that she'll pursue some kind of action. The local paper wouldn't even state definitively that this was a sig heil.

DryQIDjUcAIS7D-.jpg-largeIf this doesn't give you chills, what will? (Image via Twitter)

OMG BLOG (WORK UNFRIENDLY): God bless Vieler Photography for capturing dogs in mid-treat orgasm!

44800129_1349277465209762_866545051088453632_n-780x585Bark of the coveted (Image by Vieler Photography)
