At every checkout across the U.S. for years. (Image via NE)
I remember reading maybe 20 years ago a piece on National Enquirer — which I used to buy and read because I thought it was funny, it had actual news on old-time stars and my aunt used to have it so it was nostalgic — and in the piece, someone at the mag pointed out they actually had way more damaging stories that they'd never run, and it was because people don't want to read bad news about stars like Bill Cosby. It was hard to imagine what the stories could be at the time.
I knew the mag traded bad stories for good — that's why you'd suddenly see at-home-with features with someone you knew was sweating being outed.
I also knew it was lopsided, their reporting, in that they would have NO problem outing the guys from Boston Common or ALF but wouldn't touch certain A-listers who were better protected.
It wasn't until more recently that it became clear the magazine works with some stars, like Trump, buying off their detractors. It's hideous that AMI did that and does this sort of thing. I wish there had been a way to send Pecker and his henchmen to prison, but I hope their info on Trump will do the same for him.
I would love to see that publishing empire topple. Revenge for Carol Burnett and Elizabeth Taylor and everyone else they've wronged.
P.S. Full list of the publications currently owned by AMI — you'd be surprised: