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Dec 20 2018
Glenn Klauber's Got It, Flaunts It + Homo History + Trump vs. Coulter + Pocketful Of Penises + Insane Xmas Performances + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: The co-op wouldn't allow the wreath on the front door, so ...

BELOW: Keep reading for a show-off who's got plenty to show off, vintage gayness, a bag filled with 30+ human pensies and more ...

Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 10.51.02 AM(Image via Instagram @glennklauber)

GAY FLESHBOT (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Glenn Klauber has a popular Instagram, on Vintage-gay-10-25-18-homo-historywhich he shows everything the platform allows. Then there is his OnlyFans ...

BOSGUY: All the vintage gayness you can handle.

HUFF POST: Oh, dear — Trump and Ann Coulter are having a spat!

WXYZ: A New York man was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the robbery, beating, murder and dismemberment of a gay Detroit man. Merry Christmas to him.

DLISTED: Delta offered Nyle DiMarco a wheelchair because he's deaf. Jesus, was the attendant Tim Conway?

NBCNEWS6: A traffic stop led to the discovery of a bag of over 30 human penises. You know, on stories like this, I'm going to need an exact count.

123Thaaaaat's not gonna be good for gays. (Image via NBCNews6)

GR8ERDAYS: 12 bizarre Christmas-song performances you may never have heard. Some are just kitschy, but ... how was I unaware of Tiny Tim's decision to mix Christmas with “the AIDS”?

8261733495_4fa4aae3c1_bCome what Mae (Image via Dagonet Records)

KENNETH IN THE (212): No shirt? No razor? No problem! STONEWALL-jacket-Final-copy

TOWLEROAD: A Stonewall-themed kids' book is coming, just in time for Stonewall 50!

JOE.MY.GOD.: Trump's scam charity the Trump Foundation has been ordered closed. One step closer to justice for him and his family.

DAILY BEAST: Michael Urie is rightly baffled by the sudden closure of Torch Song Trilogy, even with positive reviews.

OUT: Darren Criss has sworn off playing gay — but not because it's stigmatizing.

TenorBye, gay roles! (GIF via GIPHY)
