ABOVE: Crack addiction.
BELOW: Keep reading for the Jonas Brothers as they appear today, Kamala Harris's announcement, why George H.W. Bush sucked and more ...
Shakalaka, babies! Kevin, Nick, Joe & Frankie Jonas (Image via Khoslajani.com)
EXTRATV: Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra's second wedding ceremony in two days looks even more fun than the first!
BBC NEWS: She was rejected by her family and raped — but is out and proud.
HUFF POST: Sounds like Kamala Harris will announce a presidential run in early 2019 to maximize fundraising in Q1.
NBC NEWS: Radical gay doctor Demetre Daskalakis is being hailed as the person most responsible for NYC's plunging HIV rate:
Since joining the city’s health department in 2013, Daskalakis has promoted a framework for treatment and prevention strategy that he calls “status-neutral care,” which uses the same approach to initial patient care regardless of one’s HIV status. This type of care is intended to reduce HIV stigma and encourage frank discussions about sexual health, HIV risk and prevention options.
Today, the results of “status-neutral care” are beginning to be seen in public health data. On Thursday, the city released its annual raw data on diagnoses, which showed a record low 2,157 new HIV diagnoses in 2017, a 5.4 percent drop from 2016. The decline is most dramatic among men who have sex with men, whose rate of new infections is estimated to be 35 percent lower than 2013.
We need more good news like this, and like him.
Bush was not the friendly, harmless dude The Simpsons pretended. (Image via video still/collage by Matthew Rettenmund)
HUFF POST: Michelangelo Signorile writes passionately about why sugar-coating George H.W. Bush's record on HIV/AIDS and on LGBTQ rights (not to mention all those pardons and that Gulf War, and, and, and) is anti-journalistic, not humane or classy.
You'll wanna watch this ... (Image via video still)
FACEBOOK: 5 ways to wear a kilt: