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Mar 20 2019
Fleshback: Peter McEnery Comments (0)

MV5BMGQ4Y2Y1MjQtZGEyMi00MmJjLTgwNmQtMzUwYmIzZmNlYjA3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzI5NDcxNzI@._V1_He was the Ross Lynch of the '60s. (Image via Canterbury)

Delicious Peter McEnery lights up Gr8erDays in a long post about his gay movie/Disney double-gay movie/stage career. If you never caught him in 1970's Entertaining Mr. Sloane, I'm unsure how you can, but try!

-6786172360747456155Jane was Fonda him. (Images via Les Films Marceau)
