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May 12 2019
Biceptuality + ROCKETMAN Romps + RIP Peggy Lipton + Buttigieg On Privilege + Rep. Sims' BJ Challenge + Cuba's Gay Smackdown & MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Cruz control.

BELOW: Keep reading for arms and the man, Buttigieg on privilege, Rocketman sex, the death of a '60s/'70s goddess of cool and more ...

Luke-Davis-by-Karim-Konrad-for-Fashionably-Male12Biceptuality (Images by Karim Konrad)

FASHIONABLY MALE: Luke Davis by Karim Konrad.

Rocketman-photos-05122019-00002I guess that's why they call it the blews. (Image via Paramount)

SOCIALITE LIFE: Richard Madden talks sex with Taron Egerton in scenes from Rocketman.

GR8ERDAYS: RIP Peggy Lipton of The Mod Squad and Twin Peaks. Also RIP: Colorful Elsa Patton of The Real Housewives of Miami.

Tumblr_mqi2bjMoNC1rrd8d6o1_400Peggy Lipton — flower-child cool. (GIF via GIPHY)

NYT: Pete Buttigieg touches on race and identity during a Las Vegas fundraiser held by the HRC. He said:

I may be part of the L.G.B.T.Q. community. But being a gay man doesn’t even tell me what it’s like to be a trans woman of color in that same community, let alone an undocumented mother of four or a disabled veteran or a displaced autoworker.

NYDN: On Saturday, May 18, Moe Angelos is leading a walking tour of East Village, NYC, spaces that were once queer-dominated, entitled This Used to Be Gay.

DLISTED: Jake Gyllenhaal calls out Tom Holland.

TOWLEROAD: Right-wing activist says Rep. Brian Sims (D-Pennsylvania) isn't really gay, and challenges him to suck a cock to prove him wrong.

THE GUARDIAN: Though Cuba's official Pride March was banned at the last moment by the government, activists took to the streets anyway — and some faced arrest.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef022ad3b761b5200b-800wiCharles in Marilyn drag (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

NEWSWEEK: James Charles, who is all of 19, has been read for filth by his older beauty-industry/influence mentor, Tati Westbrook. Among her complaints, disloyalty and a predatory taste for straight boys.

KENNETH IN THE (212): The David in a Speedo.

GAY FLESHBOT (WORK UNFRIENDLY): The Naked Boys Singing nudity is old, but still eye-popping.

JOE.MY.GOD.: The NRA's financial woes are even worse than previously thought.
