ABOVE: Tattoo darn hot.
Seeing him take one for the team is nice to wake up to. (Image via Twitter)
GAY FLESHBOT (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Gorgeous actor Adrián González vividly depicted being a straight man getting pegged by a woman on Vida. Listen, the Golden Age of TV is now.
RANDY REPORT: Is disgraced ex-congressman Aaron Schock — who has been exposed as a closet case who voted 100% against gay rights while in office — planning a political comeback? Randy Report points out that Schock for Congress has apparently filed a Statement of Organization with the FEC, indicating Schock — who signed the form himself — would run for the 18th Congressional District in Illinois. Would he have support at this point? I have said before I think he will use his outing to play victim, when in fact he victimized all LGBTQ people with his votes.
Schock, if you run, you will have a chunk of the LGBTQ community across the country working against you. Just to return the favor!
Courting leather lovers? (Image via Gio Journal)
KENNETH IN THE (212): Sexy shots of tennis pros ... take yer pick!
JOE.MY.GOD.: A new poll shows 45% of Americans think LGBTQ people already have federal protections.
PHILLY INQUIRER: RIP James H. Bryson, 84, a business tycoon who was a noted philanthropist in the area of gay rights.
BUZZFEED NEWS: Were gays born this way? Or is there something more fluid to sexuality?
GUARDIAN: Armistead Maupin speaks about the new Tales of the City iteration (I watched it, did you? And?) and about himself, including his conservative past, saying:
I look back at my callow youth and think what an idiot I was. People were shocked to find out about my early connections, working for [ultra-conservative] Senator Jesse Helms and meeting Nixon in the Oval Office [as a pro-war Vietnam veteran]. But it was all part of my journey. Being gay liberated me from all sorts of shit. It sped up the process of wisdom.
Also, his brother is an A-hole Trump supporter:
It is a source of sadness to me that we are estranged, but there comes a time when you realise that divorce is the only way out of a toxic family relationship. The fact that Tony voted for Trump is hard enough to deal with, but what’s worse is that he supports anti-gay politicians who want the extinction of me.
BUSINESS INSIDER: Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has a simple answer for why his country brutally executes gay people — “moral principles”:
Our society has moral principles, and according to these principles we live. These are moral principles regarding the behavior of people in general. And that's because the law is upheld and you abide by laws.
He said this at a press conference with a German diplomat at his side.
The last books to actually sell in gay bookstores were mostly erotica. (Image via BBC)
BBC: The Bookshop is Australia's oldest LGBTQ bookstore, one that's been in continuous operation since 1982. Moreover, check out this chilling factoid:
The Bookshop is now one of the last-standing LGBTI bookstores in the world.
Incredible. I used to visit a gay bookstore in every big city to which I traveled, and they're all long gone.
Still standing, just not in Samoa (Image via Paramount)
THR: First, Russia censored Rocketman's gay scenes. Now, Samoa has banned the movie entirely.
UPI: SCOTUS will hear the case of a Detroit funeral home employee who was canned over a dress code by her Christian boss.
HYPERALLERGIC: Amazing, stream-of-consciousness poetry by Allen Ginsberg written on the backs of historic gay-rights photos.
Sins of the fathers (Image via Hank O'Neal, The Gay Day Archive)