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Jun 23 2019
Selfie Heaven + NEWSWEEK's 1969 Stonewall Report + Climate-Change Revolt In Oregon + Jussie Jeopardy + The Big Gay Ice Cream Story + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Just one of those gaze. (More here.)

BELOW: Keep reading for hot selfies, gay history, Kevin Spacey's eight gropes, why Jussie Smollett is still in trouble and more ...

Amateur-shirtless-gay-porn-2019-06-21-at-3.20.27-PM-1024x988On the ball (Image via selfie)

GAY FLESHBOT (WORK UNFRIENDLY): A collection of selfies that is an embarrassment of riches.

KENNETH IN THE (212): Speaking of which, this guy's thighs in those Speedos.

NEWSWEEK: How Stonewall was reported in Newsweek in 1969:

It began on a balmy June evening with a police raid on one of Greenwich Village's homosexual bars. In summers past, such an incident would have stirred little more than resigned shrugs among the Village's homophile population—but in 1969 the militant mood touches every minority. As the police evicted patrons, hundreds of angry young men gathered outside and began hurling stones, coins, garbage and obscenities. “Give me a G!" shouted a youth in caramel hip huggers and leather halter. “Give me an A! Give me a Y! Give me a P! Give me an O! … What does it spell?” The answer came in a falsetto chorus. “Gay power! Gay power! Gay, gay power to the gay, gay people!”

OMG.BLOG: Jesus, Countess Luann de Lesseps's new song and video are atrocious. No talent. Can't even pose sexily without looking 100% self-conscious. A hate-watch.

SOCIALITE LIFE: Kevin Spacey groped the son of a news anchor eight times, according to the alleged victim's text messages.

HUFF POST: Republicans in Oregon are still in hiding to avoid — and sabotage — a historic climate vote. They're being fined $500/day (which will be paid by supporters) and are being protected by a Image right-wing militia. But yeah, fascism could never happen here. Again, OREGON.

FORTUNE: A primer on starting and growing a small gay business from scratch, using Big Gay Ice Cream as the example.

POLITICO: Biden calls for enshrining Roe v. Wade into federal law.

POLITICO: Warren would ban private prisons.

GR8ERDAYS: That wasn't Whitney Houston on the poster for The Bodyguard!

Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 10.27.11 AMWho's that girl?! (Image via Warner Bros.)

TMZ: Thanks to newly-installed special prosecutor, Jussie Smollett could eventually be charged with faking his hate crime after all.

YOUTUBE: Great Dutch interview with Madonna about Madame X, in which she talks about LGBTQ rights and sex work, among other things:
