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Jun 05 2019
YouTube To Queer Journalist: Drop Dead, F*g Comments (0)

Carlos-mazaCarlos Maza (Image via Vox)

YouTube has declined to take any action at all against its money-minting Steven-crowder-carlos-maza content-provider Steven Crowder, an untalented comic whose right-wing, viciously homophobic videos have a huge following — and who has for years led a campaign of harassment against queer Vox journalist Carlos Maza.

In a widely shared series of posts on Twitter, Maza documented how Crowder has singled him out, and how legions of his fanboys have peppered Maza with harassing emails. He also underscored the blatant homophobia in Crowder's videos, which would seem to be in obvious violation of YouTube's policies.

Not so, says YouTube:

Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 6.20.51 AMOther aspects (Image via Twitter)

I wonder what the “other aspects” are? 

Maza is, understandably, beside himself, writing:

I don't know what to say. @YouTube has decided not to punish Crowder, after he spent two years harassing me for being gay and Latino. I don't know what to say. That's an absolutely batsh*t policy that gives bigots free license.

Check this out — how in the fuck is this not attacking someone personally:

Chris Geidner points out:
