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Jul 17 2019
He Niels To Conquer + Rhoda In Dire Straits + Gay-Bash Victim: BEING GAY IS OKAY + Trump Parties With Epstein + MORE! Comments (0)

ABOVE: Blue him.

BELOW: Keep reading for a naked actor, Trump's racist chant, Valerie Harper's GoFundMe and more ...

IllinformedTenseEmeraldtreeskink-size_restrictedNiels to conquer. (GIF via GIPHY)

GAY FLESHBOT (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Pretty IMG_1308_new-1024x675Niels Schneider shows you his religion in Curiosa.

GR8RDAYS: Valerie Harper is 79 and has acted since the '50s. She should not be driven to the poorhouse fighting cancer, but she is — and she needs your help.

TOWLEROAD: Man is repeatedly kicked in the face outside a McDonald's, defiantly declares:

Being gay is okay.

JOE.MY.GOD.: House votes to hold Barr, Ross in criminal contempt.

POLITICO: Rand Paul hates the 9/11 first responders, blocks efforts to fund their needs indefinitely.

NYT: Notre-Dame came thisclose to totally, utterly collapsing.

Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 9.49.39 PMI guess he was a fan after all. (Image via video still)

MSNBC: Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein video surfaces.

GAY STAR NEWS: A bisexual man gathering evidence of the Chechen anti-LGBTQ purge was tortured.

FRANCE 24: France is easing restrictions on gay men donating blood.

HUFF POST: Billy Porter reacts to historic Emmy nom.

KENNETH IN THE (212): A collection of Morning Wood.

Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 8.41.09 PMTrumpism 1.0 (Image via Twitter @peterdaou)

TWITTER: Trump, a dyed-in-the-wool racist, elicits cries of Send her back! Send her back! while attacking Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) before a crowd of his nutjob supporters in North Carolina.
