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Aug 12 2019
Influencer Embraces Aaron Schock + KJ Apa: Bon Appétit! + Florida Gun Nut + Ice Cream Ad Belittles Gay Love + Epstein Was Off Suicide Watch ... Why? + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Muscle Beach lives!

BELOW: Keep reading for more Aaron Schock normalizing, another gun nut, Trump mocking Asians and more ...

Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 7.56.43 PMJeremy Cormier is cool with his own oppressor because ... ABS! (Image via Instagram)

INSTINCT: Right-wing, anti-gay gay Aaron Schock continues to be embraced by white gay influencers. Come ON, guys. Be smarter, do better. I love abs, too. I love cute guys of all races. But cute doesn't trump anti-gay, which all of Schock's votes were. He is a vile person.

EXTRATV: KJ Apa looked delish at the Teen Choice Awards. Mugshot---Claytong

RANDY REPORT: Florida man announces on Facebook not to go to Walmart next week 'cuz he's getting his AR-15. Gets arrested.

NEWSWEEK: Magnum Ice Cream's Spotify ad belittles the struggle to be gay where it's illegal by referring to same-sex hugging as a guilty pleasure — all to sell the sweet stuff. Ick.

KTOP: A Virginia restaurant owner will pay $40K in response to a potential suit alleging his employees were regularly allowed to harass a gay server.

TRUE CRIME DAILY: Epstein was taken off suicide watch in spite of recent wounds; feds are investigating.

JOE.MY.GOD.: Trump mocked Asian accents of our allies at Hamptons event (thanks, Equinox), but gushed over “beautiful” (!) letter from North Korea's despot.

KENNETH IN THE (212): In case manspreading and mustaches turn you on.

Screen Shot 2019-08-12 at 11.29.44 AMSing it, sisters! (Image via NBC)

GR8ERDAYS: Macy Gray sings the Golden Girls theme song!

TWITTER: Republican women in Iowa talk about not being able to vote for Trump:

TPM: Jake Tapper asks why Trump-owned companies have not been targeted for ICE investigations, considering he openly employs undocumented workers.

TWITTER: Madonna's son Rocco Ritchie just turned 19, and danced up a storm (feel old yet?):
