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Nov 06 2019
Tik Tok Jocks + Robyn Crawford On Loving Whitney Houston + Tucson's 1st Latina Mayor + Trump Voter Calls Him FANTABULOUS + Guess The Ass + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Bouncy.

BELOW: Keep reading for Tik Tok jocks, Robyn Crawford coming clean about loving Whitney Houston, Tyson Beckford and Shawn Mendes shirtless, and more ...

Screen Shot 2019-11-06 at 11.23.16 AMNo complaints! (Image via Tik Tok)

TWITTER (WORK UNFRIENDLY): This is clearly a set-up, or it would be sexual assault:

ARS TECHNICA: Speaking of Tik Tok, it's Chinese-owned and a potential massive security risk. Enjoy!

PEOPLE: Robyn Crawford is finally 9781524742843_p0_v1_s600x595finding her voice. In her memoir A Song for You: My Life with Whitney Houston, she confirms she was once Whitney's romantic partner, but that she was asked by Houston to step away in order to keep Houston's career unblemished by scandal:

Whitney told me her mother said it wasn’t natural for two women to be that close, but we were that close ... We never talked about labels, like lesbian or gay. We just lived our lives and I hoped it could go on that way forever ... Whitney knows I loved her and I know she loved me. We really meant everything to each other. We vowed to stand by each other.

Tragic. Also tragic that Whitney's asshole mother still roams the Earth.

DLISTED: There may be more important things going on, but Jesus, have white people really still not gotten the memo on not romping around in Native American outfits?

HUFF POST: Regina Romero made history Tuesday, becoming the first Latina and the first woman mayor-elect of Tucson, Arizona. She is also the only Latina mayor of any of the largest 50 cities in the U.S.:

BIRDLAND: 🎵 “I just hit a kid named Christina ...” 🎵

Screen Shot 2019-11-06 at 11.11.17 AMTrash. (Image via video still)

TOWLEROAD: Why does CNN focus on only white A-holes in these maddening round-ups (at the link, you'll see an SNL-ready chick saying she'd vote for Trump even if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue)? But as entertaining as this is, these fools are NOT who we are 03_mirror_photographer_lisabi_fridell-h_2019up against, we are up against Democratic apathy — and ever since Trump took office, the votes have shown that Dems are engaged.

REUTERS: A joint Swedish-Georgian-French film, And Then We Danced, is having its premiere threatened by far-right forces because of its gay theme.

SOCIALITE LIFE: So many men. Plenty of time. Make the time.

Tyson-beckford-shawn-mendesTyson & Shawn (Images via Instagram)

DAILYMAIL.COM: Roger Stone, who we know is as kinky as they come, is leaning on an anti-LGBTQ pastor during his trial for lying to Congress and witness tampering.

COMIC SANDS: In Switzerland, locals staged a kiss-in to protest a daycare center that rejected twin boys for having gay dads.

OMG.BLOG! (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Guess the ass! (Who cares whose it is — just click to see.)

IMG_8114I am only a fan of this, but I bet I'm not the only fan of this. (Image via OnlyFans)
