ABOVE: Two of AJ's other queens.
BELOW: Keep reading for Lev Parnas throwing Trump under the bus, model behavior and more ...
Caesar, Caesar! (Image by Jade Young for DNA)
DNA: Caesar Frank by Jade Young for DNA.
HUFF POST: Lev Parnas has explicitly tied Trump to “all my movements” in Ukraine, including the surveilling of Marie Yovanovitch.
EDGE MEDIA NETWORK: Tennessee governor will sign anti-LGBTQ adoption bill. Taylor Swift, please chime in!
KENNETH IN THE (212): This is everything you need to know about the Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders handshake flap.
THE HILL: A Republican state senator in Michigan told a female reporoer that she should stick around because the boys at the school “could have a lot of fun with you.” He has now apologized.
SALON: The Son star Haaz Sleiman talks about the hopes and fears of gay Arabs.