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Apr 19 2020
Q&A With MV's Darién Theller: SINCE WE CAN'T GET OUT, LET'S GO IN Comments (0)

Gastohn-barrios-modus-vivendi-gay-underwear-darien-theller-boyculture(Image by Gastohn Barrios for Modus Vivendi)

It's MORE hotness from Modus Vivendi — and this time, it includes the following Q&A with model Darién Theller:

Q: What do you do in order to stay energetic and happy during the quarantine?

A: I stay positive, I meditate and do weights in my apartment. I don't look at the news and try to think that soon this is going to end.

Q: Can you think of anything that might work positively during the period we stay home?

A: I think meditating every day helps us a lot. Since we can't get out ... let's go in.

Q: How do you work out at home? Routine, videos, FaceTime with your trainer?

A: I try to get a daily routine. I love weights, so as soon as this started I bought bars and dumbbells. I love training hard.

Q: Staying home can make us eat more than usual. Any tips to avoid gaining weight?

A: What I recommend always and more right now is intermittent fasting. Tip: Do not consume any sugar or flour or carbonated drinks. Eat hyper-protein food with good fats.

Q: What do you do to stay connected with others?

A: More than ever I use WhatsApp, Facebook... and Instagram — that's my favorite social network.

Q: What would you choose if you could choose a different career?

A: Psychology, for sure.

Q: Any skin care tip?

A: Good hydration and good nutrition.

Q: Any causes you support?

A: I collaborate with an NGO that fights for LGBTQI rights and supports patients with HIV.

Q: How do you feel when riding a motorbike?

A: I think it is the best way to feel freedom!

Q: Do you love animals?

A: I love them as much as I can.

Q: What’s your super power?

A: Hmmm… it could be that I am very analytical.

Q: The first day after quarantine — what will be the first thing you will do?

A: Definitely the first thing I'm going to do is go to my gym and hit it hard!
