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May 28 2020
Sex-Factor + Ice Skater Comes Out + Brian Sims Calls For Resignations & Prosecutions In PA COVID-19 Scandal + Dreamy Charlie Taylor + National J.O. Day + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Hard to argue with that.

BELOW: Keep reading for Brian Sims's righteous rant against Pennsylvania Republicans who knowingly exposed their Democratic colleagues to COVID-19, an X-rated X-Factor participant, dreamy Charlie Taylor, a ice skater comes out with love and more ...

Mason-noise-x-factor-uk-nude-selfie-shirtless-boycultureS-E-X Factor (Image via selfie)

OMG.BLOG! (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Mason Noise, a former X-Factor U.K. contestant, shows an awful lot in a slew of newly released selfies. I would say he's got that special something.

INSTAGRAM: Ice-skating champ Guillaume Cizeron comes out as gay with an intimate photo post.

INSTAGRAM: Out Rep. Brian Sims (D-Pennsylvania) has exposed a shocking conspiracy by the majority Republican party in his state's legislature: A GOPer was diagnosed with COVID-19 and they covertly had other GOPers self-isolate — but deliberately failed to alert their Dem colleagues, which means they went home to their families and went about their lives possibly exposing others to harm.

TOWLEROAD: The above is on-message for the GOP — their Dear Leader, Trump, re-tweeted a Cowboys for Trump video at midnight that declared:

The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.

Shirtless-charlie-taylor-boycultureEverything about this. (Image via Instagram @charlietaylor.official)

GREG IN HOLLYWOOD: Charlie Taylor, all day long.

THE HILL: FEC Commissioner: No basis for Trump's claims that vote-by-mail = fraud.

FACEBOOK: Peter Staley's warts-and-all remembrance of Larry Kramer is — and I am aware of the cliché, but it's true here — a must-read:

MOTHER JONES: Rudy Giuliani is seeking $10M to produce a quickie anti-Biden movie that would focus on a Biden/Ukraine connection. Guess where he'll likely get the cash, and guess how big a campaign violation it would be?

KENNETH IN THE (212): Check out this dude's Babymaker.

Bateworld-boycultureGive them a hand! Just the one. (Image via Bateworld)

BATEWORLD: Apparently, today — May 28 — is National Masturbation Day, which brings to mind what you tell kids angry that there's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day but no Kid's Day ... every day is Kid's Day. But in honor of the momentous occasion, Bateworld (the online masturbation community for gay, bisexual, and straight guys) will host their first 24-hour Bate-a-Thon, and for today will make VidChat, a feature usually only for premium members, free.

USA TODAY: Texans may be forced to stand in line and risk COVID-19 infection in order to vote because Republicans exist:

“This is reflective of Texas Republican leadership that long ago failed to serve Texans’ needs and interests,” [Democratic] state party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said. “Now, it is up to the federal court to ensure basic constitutional rights still exist in Texas and ensure that Texans have a right to vote safely and not put their health at risk.”

JUST JARED: Bob Dylan gives props to Madonna.
