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May 10 2020
Little Pink Underwear For You And Me + Fauci Who? Birx Where? + South Korea Sees COVID-19 Spike + QUEER AS FOLK Nude-A-Thon + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Follow here if you're into my Madonna content.

BELOW: Keep reading for a pink-underwear godling, Fauci & Birx's disappearing act, Queer as Folk nude-off and more ...

Boyculture-amateur-gay-men-wanting-sex-2020-05-08-at-10.32.11-AM-853x1024The laddie from Shanghai! (Image via selfie)

GAY FLESHBOT (WORK UNFRIENDLY): He's perfection from every angle. Plus, more selfies to make quarantine happier.

POLITICO: Fauci and (yuck) Birx are fading away — leading to more and more politicians talking about the scientific issue of COVID-19.

BUSINESS INSIDER: South Korea saw a spike in COVID-19 cases, traced to a gay man who hit three clubs then walked around amid crowds, exposing up to 2,000 people.

THE GUARDIAN: Brazil's high court lifts ban on gay and bisexual blood donations.

SCREEN RANT: An example of why I have a love/hate with Ryan Murphy — the need for articles documenting what really happened in his history-based fantasies.

Queer-as-folk-shirtless-male-nudity-boycultureLuckily, both were ridiculously pornalicious. (Images via video still)

OMG.BLOG! (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Comparing the nudity in both versions of Queer as Folk.

EXTRATV: RIP Betty Wright, the influential, Grammy-winning soul and R&B singer whose “Clean Up Woman ”was a smash for her at age 18. She died today at 66.


ASS-BUTT-booty-laptop-boycultureIt's catchy! (Image via video still)

KENNETH IN THE (212): Speedo Courtney-brousseau-boycultureboy with hair here, there.

TOWLEROAD: Queer activist Courtney Brousseau was gunned down in San Francisco, apparently randomly caught in crossfire, moments after tweeting that a delicious burrito had made everything in life seem okay for a moment.

TRUE CRIME DAILY: D.A. Jackie Johnson disallowed the arrest of the men suspected of murdering Ahmaud Arbery after hunting him like a wild animal. But for the existence of video — shot by their accomplice and released long after the fact — these guys would have skated on a brazen killing.

JOE.MY.GOD.: Elon Musk is a complete waste of space. Fuck him, Grimes and their pretentiously named kid.
