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Aug 26 2020
Jerry Falwell Jr.'s OTHER $tud + Kenosha Shooter Arrested, Charged With 1st-Degree Murder + Postal Employee vs. Immigrants + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Touchdown there.

BELOW: More on Jerry Falwell Jr.'s other young $tud, shooter arrested for Kenosha murders, former USPS employee accused of destroying immigration correspondence and more ...

Ben-crosswhite-jerry-falwell-jr-shirtless-gay-scandal-boycultureFor some reason, Ben Crosswhite deleted this image of himself with two generations of wingmen: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Jerry Falwell III. (Image via Instagram)

REUTERS: Ben Crosswhite, a holy-roller personal trainer, is someone we need to revisit in light of Jerry Falwell Jr.'s sex scandal. It was revealed last year that Falwell personally approved deals that benefited Crosswhite, allowing the rando to possess valuable Liberty University property.


In 2016, Falwell signed a real estate deal transferring the sports facility, complete with tennis courts and a fitness center owned by Liberty, to Crosswhite. Under the terms, Crosswhite wasn’t required to put any of his own money down toward the purchase price, a confidential sales contract obtained by Reuters shows.

Liberty committed nearly $650,000 up front to lease back tennis courts from Crosswhite at the site for nine years. The school also offered Crosswhite financing, at a low 3% interest rate, to cover the rest of the $1.2 million transaction, the contract shows.

Crosswhite declined to answer questions about the deal. “All I will say is that my wife and I consult each other before every major business deal and we bought the complex from Liberty together,” he said in an email. “My wife and I both work around the clock to make our business succeed.”

Ben Crosswhite is not Giancarlo Granda, he's yet another hot young piece of ass associated with Jerry Falwell Jr. (since 2011), who we all know likes to watch. But if you like to watch, watch Falwell pushing Crosswhite — pushing him real good — in this vid:

NYMAG: Trump's RNC has violated the Hatch Act in various ways, including Secretary of State Pompeo's unprecedented political speech from Jerusalem, the politicized use of a naturalization ceremony and the use of the White House grounds for political purposes. In 1997, Al Gore was accused of almost violating the Act — and it was a huge scandal! Now, Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said:

Nobody outside of the Beltway really cares.

I really DO care, don't you?

Kyle-rittenhouse-murderer-boyculture“I just killed someone.” (Image via video still)

JOE.MY.GOD.: Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, has been arrested and faces first-degree murder charges in the deaths of two and serious injury of a third in the Kenosha shootings overnight. It has been suggested that Rittenhouse is a white supremacist who traveled across state lines to play cop against protesters. His social media is rife with BLUE LIVES MATTER and other right-wing slogans.

CNN: New York, Hawaii and New Jersey have filed new suits to protest USPS changes made ahead of the November election.

NBC NEWS: LeBron James will head a group of famous athletes on a major anti-poll suppression initiative.

BILL-COHEN-biden-trump-boyculturePlaying Secretary of Defense (Image via

PRESS HERALD: Bill Cohen, a three-term Republican senator from Maine and Secretary of Defense under Clinton, is endorsing Biden:

We have a choice in November; whether to go back to our dark past or reach for who we aspire to be — a country where it doesn’t matter where you came from, how you worship or who you love, a country where everyone matters. I’m voting for Joe Biden because our democracy is at stake.

KSTU: This is so disgusting — a 77-year-old former USPS employee allegedly used her job in order to destroy up to 181 immigration documents that passed through her hands. The victims, many waiting for proof of residency or for their final green cards, lost their jobs, underwent stress and in some cases paid up to $1,000 in legal fees. The accused, Diana Molyneux, of West Jordan, Utah, even petitioned for a new attorney, saying that her assigned attorney being Hispanic made the case a conflict of interest for him.

TOWLEROAD: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed gay progressive Alex Morse — who seems to have shrugged off a manufactured sex scandal — in his fight against incumbent Richard Neal in Massachusetts.

PAGE SIX: Definitely looks like Bradley Cooper is playing a version of Jon Peters in the new Paul Thomas Anderson movie.

GR8ERDAYS (FOLLOWS APPRECIATED): Somehow, Macaulay Culkin is turning FORTY.

THE CUT: Bella Thorne apparently raked in $2M in one week upon joining OnlyFans ... on which she does not get completely naked, and on which she does not engage in any sex acts.

THE HILL: Deluded ex-NFLer Herschel Walker bemoans the fact that he's lost friends over his gushing support of Trump. Who paid him a lot of money to appear on his Celebrity Apprentice. And who Walker cheerfully endorsed at the RNC. More words of wisdom from Mr. Walker:

In society today, if you’ve got a Black friend, oh, jeez you’re like king. But not one time has (Trump) asked me to speak for him. I don’t even think he knew I was going to speak this time. I’m the one that asked.

Herschel-walker-trump-rnc-boycultureTrump is King? (Image via video still)
